
About me

After several intense events in a relatively short time, I fell into depression at the end of 2023. After a period of rest and reflection, I slowly found the energy to get back on track and started to see the first bright spots again after a very dark period. I have tried many things, most of which have certainly contributed to my recovery.

I had already done and tried many things, including juice cleanses, ginger shots and also yoga, meditation and therapy sessions.

Of course, all of this certainly contributed to my recovery, although I continued to struggle with my energy level, experienced lack of concentration and focus, imbalance of my hormones (hot flashes, running emotions, mood swings, etc.) and an overall feeling of being unwell, physically and mentally.


I kept doing my practices and also continued searching for new ways to heal myself. Happy Juice came across (for the millionth time). I looked into it, did some research and decided to just give it a try.

I soon noticed the first positive changes. After some initial detox in the first week (extreme fatigue), I was happy that toxins were leaving my body and I slowly started to feel cleaner and clearer.

Many months later, I can now proudly say that I experience:

Deeper sleep and wake up more rested
✅ Have more energy and feel like getting things done
✅ More focused and more concentration, clear mind (hardly any brain fog / mom brain)
✅ A more positive mindset
✅ Improved bowel movements and suffer less from a bloated stomach
✅ Less sugar craving, such as candy, cookies and chocolate
✅ Have smoother skin, less acne and impurities
✅ I have a fresher look in my eyes
✅ An overall feeling good about myself, both physically and mentally/emotionally

And there are probably even more positive changes that I haven't even noticed yet.

Of course I wish the same for you! 🫶

Have a look at all the available information I have on my website and please feel free to contact me if I can help you with anything.

Get in touch (whatsapp)